Creating your first alert

The basics

Alerts are the core of Brist: they're configurable combinations of chains, filters, and outputs that make up Brist's automations.

The chain is the blockchain you're listening for events on. When you choose a chain, you're enabling alerts for every transaction on the chain.

Once you choose a chain, you can create filters to select the events you're interested in using as triggers. At the moment, we support wallet- and token-based filters.

Outputs are the channels you can pipe your selected events to. At the moment, we support automated messages to Telegram and Discord, as well as posting to custom Webhooks (which is likely preferable if you're a dev integrating this into your product).

You can learn more about each of the output channels (as well as how to set them up) in their respective Guides. You can also learn more about Events and Filters in their respectives Fundamentals sections.

Creating an alert

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to trigger a Telegram message every time a Bored Ape is transferred.

Navigate to the Workflows tab, then click "New" to set up a new alert. At the top of the page, enter the alert's name.

The first step in defining your automation is to select the chain to listen to. As BAYC is an Ethereum collection, choose "Ethereum. Then, click the "+" button to add a filter for a specific type of event.

As we want to filter for BAYC NFT's, choose the NFT/Token filter, and enter the address of the Bored Ape ERC 721 contract: 0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D. Then, click the "+" button to add an output channel for these transfers.

In this tutorial, we'll be outputting event notifications to a channel in the Brist Discord -- if you haven't already, be sure to join the Discord at To send the messages to Discord, select the "Discord" option from the dropdown, and paste the webhook URL for the #test-messages channel in the Brist Discord:

Finally, click save at the top, and you're done! Be sure to go back to the Workflows screen to turn on the automation (they are default off when created).

You'll be able to view fired notifications from your alerts (and those of other people who followed this tutorial) in the #test-messages channel on the Brist Discord.

Last updated