
Once incoming blocks are condensed into enriched events, Brist matches these events with user-defined filters before funneling them into the designated output channels. Filters can be stacked, with AND logic applying to the filters in a series.

Currently, Brist supports two kinds of filters (with more on the way!):

Wallet Filters

Wallet filters match the sending and/or receiving addresses of events. Wallet filters can be used to, for example:

  • Create an alert whenever a certain wallet makes a trade, or receives an asset

  • Create an alert when a certain smart contract (e.g. OpenSea, a Uniswap pool) is interacted with, by entering the contract address in the "To" section

Token/NFT Filters

Token/NFT filters match the smart contract that facilitated a transfer. You can use Token/NFT filters to match with a specific NFT collection (e.g. Bored Ape Yacht Club) or ERC-20 token (e.g. USDC).

To create a Token/NFT filter, you just need to indicate the contract address underlying the asset; you can find this information easily on Etherscan, OpenSea, Coingecko, and a variety of other services. We will be enabling token/NFT searches in the near future, so you won't have to know the contract address to create a filter.

Last updated